Please note that the symposium proposal submission period for ISEE 2024 has closed. Thank you for your interest.
You are welcome to submit your proposal for symposium for the ISEE 2024 conference program!
Symposium is a 90-minute discussion session that bring together experts to delve into specific topics. These sessions involve interactive discussions with the audience. A symposium will consist of 4 or 5 presenters; a maximum of 2ย of them could be remote presenters. The rest of the presenters and the chair(s) are required to attend the conference in-person.
Extended proposal submission deadline is January 29, 2024.
You may find below the guideline:
1 – Each symposium should be planned for a 90-minute slot.
2 – There should be two in-person co-chairs for each symposium.ย
3 – Maximum two of the presenters could be remote presenter; not attending the conference in-person.
4 – The symposium structure should be built with a number of presentations and a Q&A at the end.ย 4 or 5 presenters should be proposed to provide enough time for each presenter and the Q&A at the end.
5 – The chairs and presenters are required to complete their registration before registration deadline stated in the acceptance letter. Unregistered chairs and presenters will be removed from the conference program.
6 – Following details will be collected during submission:
– Details and contact information of symposium organizer, co-chairs & presenters.
– Proposed title for the symposium (max. 40 words)
– Abstract of the symposium (max.ย 300 words)
– Titles of each presentation & their brief descriptions (max. 100 words)
– Relevance between talks and to the conference theme “Addressing challenges in environmental health, justice, and development” (max. 100 words)
There will be exclusive 2-week abstract submission period for rejected symposia submissions as individual presentations.
Should you need any technical assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.